Free LinkedIn Page to MS Excel Connector

Supercharge your LinkedIn growth strategy by receiving real-time updates with Vaizle. The free LinkedIn Page to MS Excel Connector tool automates the entire data transfer process to let you carry out further analysis effortlessly. With access to customized reports in MS Excel, you can make data-driven decisions without any hitch.

LinkedIn Page to Ms Excel Connector
Export LinkedIn page data to Excel

How Can You Fetch LinkedIn Page Data to MS Excel?

Step 1

Go to and open a new Excel sheet.


Step 2

Here, after opening a new Excel sheet copy its link.


Step 3

Now, head to Vaizle LinkedIn Page connector and sign in with your Microsoft account.


Step 4

From the drop-down list, select the LinkedIn page for which you want the data. Click on ‘Next’.


Step 5

After that, copy your excel sheet on the next step, and then click on the ‘Export to MS Excel’ button. Now, your spreadsheet is ready to be used with the LinkedIn page data of the last 30 days.


Why Export LinkedIn Page Data to MS Excel?

Comprehend Data Insights Easily

When your LinkedIn page metrics are transferred to an MS Excel sheet, you can easily identify essential data patterns and make decisions accordingly. You can further use Excel’s data sorting and visualization features to understand recent engagement trends. Understanding this data thoroughly will help alter your content strategy for the future.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Manually checking each post’s key metrics and entering them in an Excel spreadsheet will be a hectic task. It will not only take up your precious time and efforts but will also leave space for human error. To ensure all your LinkedIn page data is retrieved into an Excel sheet accurately, use the Vaizle free LinkedIn Page to MS Excel Connector tool.

Partner With Your Colleagues

The other reason to export LinkedIn page data to MS Excel is seamless collaboration with colleagues. You can easily work with co-workers to understand data patterns and plan the future course of action for your LinkedIn page. It saves everyone the hassle of manually accessing page analytics and then creating separate spreadsheets on their system.

What are Key LinkedIn Page Data Points You Can Export Directly to MS Excel?

Comprehensive Account Analysis

Getting your hands on the latest LinkedIn page insights is vital for your account’s growth. With all the information stored in a single Excel sheet, you can easily check key metrics like Click Through Rate (CTR) and total impressions. With this data, you can see what performs well for your page and what doesn’t yield satisfactory results.

Unique Impressions

When you use the Vaizle free LinkedIn Page to MS Excel Connector tool to export data, you will find a separate section for unique impressions. This metric tells you how many different signed-in members have viewed your LinkedIn posts over a span of time. An increase or decrease in this data will help you know how well your LinkedIn company page is performing.

Number of Users Engaging With Your Page

To find how impactful your content strategy is, you can check the number of users engaging with your LinkedIn page in the last 30 days. With improved engagement, you can expect more brand visibility and eventually lead generation.

Frequently Asked Questions
How to export LinkedIn page data to MS Excel?
To export LinkedIn page data to MS Excel without any hassle, you can use the Vaizle free connector tool.
What is the process of transferring LinkedIn page data to MS Excel?
With Vaizle free LinkedIn page data to MS Excel connector tool, you just need to sign in with your LinkedIn account and enter the sheet link. The rest of the data-sending process is completed by the Vaizle tool within seconds.

What our customer are saying...





Protege Media Group

I have been a user of Sprout Social for over 5 years and spend money EVERY month to keep the data coming. As a social media marketing company, it's important for all of my clients to know how effective their campaigns are. After playing around with Vaizle, I have found great value in their robust analytical data and the ability to compare my clients to their competitors. Another great feature you will LOVE is the custom REPORTS!!! This feature alone is invaluable!

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